- O matelassê dá volume ao bordado, aumentando, assim, a sensação de maciez e proporcionando um visual muito bonito ao colchão e uma noite de sono aconchegante, com muito conforto;
- Tecido com tratamento anti ácaro, anti-mofo e antialérgico (protege sua saúde);
A Certificação Compulsória garante a qualidade e credibilidade dos colchões e colchonetes de espuma testados e qualificados pelo INMETRO de acordo com as normas técnicas da ABNT (Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas), garantindo ao cliente um produto totalmente confiável e de excelente qualidade.
- Têm vida útil longa. São espumas com densidade real, maior durabilidade e garantia;
- Possuem o selo do INMETRO, que garante colchões com qualidade superior, controlada e testada;
- O INMETRO é órgão que tem o objetivo de normatizar, testar, garantir e fiscalizar a qualidade das espumas e dos materiais dos colchões que possuem o selo INMETRO;
- Recomendado por ortopedistas e fisioterapeutas por ser produzido dentro das normas exigidas pelo INMETRO;
- Espuma poliuretano 100% D45 selada com certificação de alta qualidade INMETRO dentro dos padrões para exportação. Maior conforto e vida útil para o seu colchão;
- Indicado para pessoas de130 a 150Kg;
- 1 ano de garantia do fabricante conforme informações do certificado de garantia que acompanha o produto;
- Conforto Extra Firme;
- A nossa classificação de qualidade, benefícios, conforto e durabilidade oferecido por este produto comparado a outros produtos desta mesma linha é Excelente, NOTA 5 ( de o a 5 ).
- Foto meramente ilustrativa. Preços referente somente do produto anunciado, não incluso acessórios ou outras ilustrações da imagem.
Postado por Clara em 19th May 2015
I thank Mrs Forst for this initiative. I drove the Ampera durnig the Brussels Auto Show on Jan 17 and it has been an unforgettable experience. I only regret to have been obliged to give it back at the end of the 20 minutes drive.So I reserved one and I am impatient to know when it will be really available and under which kind of financial arrangement. I know the purchase price but some interested people around me and myself are more interested in a leasing formula because of the financial risk of the battery technological obsolescence and the uncertainty on the resale value of the used car (with the battery).Indeed the last news of GM partenering with ENVIA SYSTEMS is a good news as Envia writes on its website that the price of batteries using their technology could be significantly mower than today. From different sources, I found that it is from 30 to 50% lower.So I'm divided between two positions : to get an Ampera now because I feel it to be important to asap reduce our dependence to oil and our footprint on the environment but to pay a too high price for that or to wait for battery prices going down but continue to use too much oil.I'll look at the blog to find more informations.Thanks for your attention.JC J
Postado por Clara em 19th May 2015
I thank Mrs Forst for this initiative. I drove the Ampera durnig the Brussels Auto Show on Jan 17 and it has been an unforgettable experience. I only regret to have been obliged to give it back at the end of the 20 minutes drive.So I reserved one and I am impatient to know when it will be really available and under which kind of financial arrangement. I know the purchase price but some interested people around me and myself are more interested in a leasing formula because of the financial risk of the battery technological obsolescence and the uncertainty on the resale value of the used car (with the battery).Indeed the last news of GM partenering with ENVIA SYSTEMS is a good news as Envia writes on its website that the price of batteries using their technology could be significantly mower than today. From different sources, I found that it is from 30 to 50% lower.So I'm divided between two positions : to get an Ampera now because I feel it to be important to asap reduce our dependence to oil and our footprint on the environment but to pay a too high price for that or to wait for battery prices going down but continue to use too much oil.I'll look at the blog to find more informations.Thanks for your attention.JC J
Postado por Clara em 19th May 2015
I thank Mrs Forst for this initiative. I drove the Ampera durnig the Brussels Auto Show on Jan 17 and it has been an unforgettable experience. I only regret to have been obliged to give it back at the end of the 20 minutes drive.So I reserved one and I am impatient to know when it will be really available and under which kind of financial arrangement. I know the purchase price but some interested people around me and myself are more interested in a leasing formula because of the financial risk of the battery technological obsolescence and the uncertainty on the resale value of the used car (with the battery).Indeed the last news of GM partenering with ENVIA SYSTEMS is a good news as Envia writes on its website that the price of batteries using their technology could be significantly mower than today. From different sources, I found that it is from 30 to 50% lower.So I'm divided between two positions : to get an Ampera now because I feel it to be important to asap reduce our dependence to oil and our footprint on the environment but to pay a too high price for that or to wait for battery prices going down but continue to use too much oil.I'll look at the blog to find more informations.Thanks for your attention.JC J